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How to Remove a Bail Bond Lien on Property

Posted on Jul 12th, 2024 by Jesse Kleis 1005 Views

If you have a lien on your home, then you’ll need to understand what that means, and what steps you can take to get it removed as soon as possible. Getting the lien removed means that the courts no longer can take your property.

Removing Bail Bond Lien on Property

If you want to learn how to remove a lien on property, then you first need to understand how the process works. If you have secured the bail bond by using real estate collateral then you will have a lien placed on your home. If you want to remove this lien then you need to make sure that you meet the conditions within your bail agreement. You will need to appear in court when required, and you will also be responsible for paying any fines. When you have done this, you will then need to get in touch with the bail bond company. They will then remove the lien from your home. Additional paperwork may be required here before the lien can be released, but in the case of documents, they can be completed digitally.

If the bail bond company doesn’t remove the lien then you can apply for a petition to nullify it. You have to do this at the same court where the bond was secured, and you will also have to provide evidence that shows that the conditions of the bond have indeed been satisfied. 

Avoiding House Lien by Bail Bonds

If you want to avoid a bail bond lien then the best way for you to do this would be for you to resolve any outstanding legal issues. This could involve you attending court dates or it may mean that you complete any community service hours you have been given. If you do not meet your obligations then the bail bond company may take legal action and put a lien on your home.  If you pay back the bail in full then this will stop the lien from being placed.

Removing LIen on Vehicle from Defunct Bail Bond

The lien will remain on the property until after any legal proceedings. Any legal responsibilities will have to be fulfilled too. Once the case is closed and the bail bond has been repaid in full, it is then possible to remove the lien. If your lien remains, then you will need to get in touch with your bail bond company, or the court.

Putting House Up for Bail Bond: Where to Go

If you want to put your home up as collateral for a bail bond, then your bail bond agency can do this for you. When a property bond is utilized, the court will secure a lien against the property. If you don’t show up for your court date, then you may face foreclosure. After this has been processed, the court will then collect the bail that they are owed. If the foreclosure doesn’t result in a dollar amount that meets the cost of the bail then you are responsible for paying the difference.

Getting Personal Property from Bail Bond

Bail collateral is offered in place of bail money.  In some instances, it can be offered in addition, to secure the release of the defendant. It’s like a form of credit, to make sure that you show up in court. Collateral can include jewelry, your house, or even your car. If you're offering a large property item then the court or the bail agent will ask you to place the deed or the pink slip in their trust. 

Your collateral or personal property will be returned to you when the case is over. If you are innocent, sentenced, have the charges dropped, or are exonerated, then your collateral will be refunded. If you do not appear in court at a particular time or date however then your collateral will be seized.

Finding Bail Bond Lien on Property

When a bail bond is in effect, there are a lot of long-term implications. First of all, you have the risk of property seizure. You also have restrictions on the property. If you have a bail bond lien then the property cannot be sold, nor can it be transferred while the lien is present. This could affect your ability to renaissance the property, or use it as collateral for a loan at a later date. It’s important to know that liens can only be enforceable at the court where the case is heard. Collaborating with a bail bondsman is the best way for you to remove it.

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About The Author

Jesse Kleis is a seasoned California Bail Agent, boasting over a decade of comprehensive experience in the bail industry. He earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Sociology from California State University. In addition to his work as a bail agent, Jesse is also an active Sociology Instructor, furthering his commitment to professional education.

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